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C4. Instructions nautiques : Afrique (côte ouest) de Râs Spartel à Cape Palmas, Iles du large. Fascicule n°1 de corrections de 2007 / SHOM (2005)
Titre : Instructions nautiques : Afrique (côte ouest) de Râs Spartel à Cape Palmas, Iles du large. Fascicule n°1 de corrections de 2007 Type de document : Ouvrage Auteurs : SHOM, Auteur Editeur : Paris : Service hydrographique et océanographique de la marine (SHOM) Année de publication : 2005 Importance : 400 p. ; Fascicule 27 p Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : AFRIQUE / AFRIQUE DE L'OUEST / CANARIES / CAP VERT / COTE OUEST / ESPAGNE / ILE / INSTRUCTION NAUTIQUE / MADERE / MAROC / MAURITANIE / PORTUGAL Nature du document : INSTRUCTIONS NAUTIQUES Permalink : SHOM. C4. Instructions nautiques : Afrique (côte ouest) de Râs Spartel à Cape Palmas, Iles du large. Fascicule n°1 de corrections de 2007. Paris : Service hydrographique et océanographique de la marine (SHOM), 2005. 400 p.
CleanAtlantic. WP 4: Marine litter in the Atlantic Area. Activity 3: Review of economic sectors impacted by marine litter in the Atlantic Area. Marine litter and offshore aquaculture: a survey-based case study in Madeira. Version 1 / P. PARRETTI (2021)
Titre : CleanAtlantic. WP 4: Marine litter in the Atlantic Area. Activity 3: Review of economic sectors impacted by marine litter in the Atlantic Area. Marine litter and offshore aquaculture: a survey-based case study in Madeira. Version 1 Type de document : Ouvrage Auteurs : P. PARRETTI, Auteur ; S. ALMEIDA, Auteur ; J.G. MONTEIRO, Auteur ; J. CANNING-CLODE, Auteur Editeur : Porto : Interreg Atlantic Area Programme Année de publication : 2021 Importance : 43 p. Présentation : Ill. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : AQUACULTURE / CLEANATLANTIC / COUT / DECHET MARIN / EVALUATION / IMPACT DE LA POLLUTION / IMPACT ECONOMIQUE / MACRO-DECHET / MADERE / OCEAN ATLANTIQUE / POLLUTION LITTORALE / POLLUTION MARINE / POLLUTION PLASTIQUE / PORTUGAL / PROFESSIONNELS DE LA MER / PROJET / RECOMMANDATION Nature du document : RAPPORT En ligne : [...] Permalink : PARRETTI P., ALMEIDA S., MONTEIRO J.G., et al. CleanAtlantic. WP 4: Marine litter in the Atlantic Area. Activity 3: Review of economic sectors impacted by marine litter in the Atlantic Area. Marine litter and offshore aquaculture: a survey-based case study in Madeira. Version 1. Porto : Interreg Atlantic Area Programme, 2021. 43 p.
CleanAtlantic. WP 4. WP 4.3: Assessing the economic impact of marine litter on tourism: Madeira case study. Version1 / P. PARRETTI (2023)
Titre : CleanAtlantic. WP 4. WP 4.3: Assessing the economic impact of marine litter on tourism: Madeira case study. Version1 Type de document : Ouvrage Auteurs : P. PARRETTI, Auteur ; J.G. MONTEIRO, Auteur ; M. BUZINKAI, Auteur ; J. CANNING-CLODE, Auteur ; P. SEPULVEDA, Auteur ; N. PESTANA, Auteur Editeur : Porto : Interreg Atlantic Area Programme Année de publication : 2023 Importance : 43 p. Présentation : Ill. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : CLEANATLANTIC / COUT / DECHET MARIN / EVALUATION / HEBERGEMENT / IMPACT DE LA POLLUTION / IMPACT ECONOMIQUE / LITTORAL ATLANTIQUE / MACRO-DECHET / MADERE / OCEAN ATLANTIQUE / PECHE / POLLUTION LITTORALE / POLLUTION MARINE / POLLUTION PLASTIQUE / PORT DE PLAISANCE / PORTUGAL / PROJET / TOURISME Nature du document : RAPPORT En ligne : Permalink : PARRETTI P., MONTEIRO J.G., BUZINKAI M., et al. CleanAtlantic. WP 4. WP 4.3: Assessing the economic impact of marine litter on tourism: Madeira case study. Version1. Porto : Interreg Atlantic Area Programme, 2023. 43 p.
CleanAtlantic. WP 5. Deliverable 5.2: Overview of the work carried out in CleanAtlantic on improving marine litter monitoring. WP 5.2.1: Improving methods for marine litter monitoring in the Atlantic Area: seabed, floating and coastal litter. WP: 5.2.2: New tools for the monitoring of marine litter. Version 1.4 / L. SOLINO (2021)
SOLINO L., PEREZ P., GAGO J., et al. CleanAtlantic. WP 5. Deliverable 5.2: Overview of the work carried out in CleanAtlantic on improving marine litter monitoring. WP 5.2.1: Improving methods for marine litter monitoring in the Atlantic Area: seabed, floating and coastal litter. WP: 5.2.2: New tools for the monitoring of marine litter. Version 1.4. Porto : Interreg Atlantic Area Programme, 2021. 44 p.
CleanAtlantic. WP 5: Mapping litter distribution for clean-ups. Activity 2: Monitoring the presence of marine litter in the marine environment. Integration of UAS surveys in marine litter monitoring of coastal and remote areas. Version 1 / J.G. MONTEIRO (2023)
MONTEIRO J.G., ALMEIDA S., GOUVEIA M., et al. CleanAtlantic. WP 5: Mapping litter distribution for clean-ups. Activity 2: Monitoring the presence of marine litter in the marine environment. Integration of UAS surveys in marine litter monitoring of coastal and remote areas. Version 1. Porto : Interreg Atlantic Area Programme, 2023. 29 p.
CleanAtlantic. WP 5. WP 5.2: Monitoring the presence of marine litter in the marine environment. WP 5.3: Monitoring the interaction of marine litter with flora/fauna. Characterization of seabed macrolitter and their impacts on flora / fauna observed during ROV operations. Testing methods and BIIGLE annotation software. Version 1 / O. GERIGNY (2023)
PermalinkCleanAtlantic. WP 7: Monitoring and data management. WP 7.3: Reducing abandoned lost and otherwise discarded fishing gears (ALDFG). Characterisation of the fishing gear materials flows in the Autonomous Region of Madeira. Version 1 / DIRECAO REGIONAL DO AMBIENTE E ALTERACOES CLIMATICAS (DRAAC) (2023)
PermalinkCleanAtlantic. WP 7: Monitoring and data management. WP 7.3: Reducing abandoned lost and otherwise discarded fishing gears (ALDFG). Material flows of recreational coastal fishing equipment in the Autonomous Region of Madeira. Version 1 / DIRECAO REGIONAL DO AMBIENTE E ALTERACOES CLIMATICAS (DRAAC) (2023)
PermalinkMARPOCS. Multinational Response and Preparedness to Oil and Chemical Spills. Towards a better preparedness and response to oil and HNS spills in the Atlantic sub-region involving Morocco, Madeira and Canary Islands / INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TECNICO (IST) (2017)
PermalinkOpérations de lutte contre la pollution de l'île de Porto Santo (Portugal) - 1990. Intervention du Cedre dans le cadre de la force d'intervention de la C.E.E. / L. KERAMBRUN (1990)
PermalinkOpérations de lutte contre la pollution de l'île de Porto Santo (Portugal) - 1990. Intervention du Cedre dans le cadre de la task force de la C.E.E. / L. KERAMBRUN (1990)