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CleanAtlantic. WP 5. WP 5.3: Monitoring the interaction of marine litter with fauna. Characterization of microplastics ingested by mussels. Toward the determination of a bio-sentinel species of the marine environment contamination by microplastics? Version 2 / O. GERIGNY (2023)
Titre : CleanAtlantic. WP 5. WP 5.3: Monitoring the interaction of marine litter with fauna. Characterization of microplastics ingested by mussels. Toward the determination of a bio-sentinel species of the marine environment contamination by microplastics? Version 2 Type de document : Ouvrage Auteurs : O. GERIGNY, Auteur ; L. CHOUTEAU, Auteur ; E. PRADO, Auteur ; L. THOMAS, Auteur ; M. EL RAKWE, Auteur ; M. LE MOIGNE, Auteur ; A. R. MCGORAN, Auteur ; A. BAKIR, Auteur ; J. BARRY, Auteur ; J. RUSSELL, Auteur ; M. INCERA, Auteur ; P. PEREZ, Auteur ; Z. CARDIN, Auteur ; P. OTERO, Auteur ; J. GAGO, Auteur Editeur : Porto : Interreg Atlantic Area Programme Année de publication : 2023 Importance : 33 p. Présentation : Ill. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : BIOINDICATEUR / BIOMARQUEUR / CLEANATLANTIC / COMPARAISON / CONTAMINATION / DECHET MARIN / ESPAGNE / EVALUATION / FRANCE / IMPACT DE LA POLLUTION / IMPACT FAUNE / INDICATEUR / INGESTION / MACRO-DECHET / METHODE D'ANALYSE / MICROPLASTIQUE / MOULE / OCEAN ATLANTIQUE / POLLUTION MARINE / POLLUTION PLASTIQUE / PRELEVEMENT / PROJET / ROYAUME-UNI / SURVEILLANCE DE LA POLLUTION Nature du document : RAPPORT En ligne : [...] Permalink : GERIGNY O., CHOUTEAU L., PRADO E., et al. CleanAtlantic. WP 5. WP 5.3: Monitoring the interaction of marine litter with fauna. Characterization of microplastics ingested by mussels. Toward the determination of a bio-sentinel species of the marine environment contamination by microplastics? Version 2. Porto : Interreg Atlantic Area Programme, 2023. 33 p.
CleanAtlantic. WP 5. WP 5.5: Evaluation of marine litter as transport facilitator. Investigation of seafloor litter for the presence of non-indigenous species during french annual fisheries surveys in the North Sea, English Channel, Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay 2021-2022. Version 1 / A. CURD (2023)
Titre : CleanAtlantic. WP 5. WP 5.5: Evaluation of marine litter as transport facilitator. Investigation of seafloor litter for the presence of non-indigenous species during french annual fisheries surveys in the North Sea, English Channel, Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay 2021-2022. Version 1 Type de document : Ouvrage Auteurs : A. CURD, Auteur ; G. DROUAL, Auteur ; M. LE MOIGNE, Auteur Editeur : Porto : Interreg Atlantic Area Programme Année de publication : 2023 Importance : 20 p. Présentation : Ill. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : CHALUTAGE / CLEANATLANTIC / CONTAMINATION / DECHET MARIN / ESPECE / FILET / FOND MARIN / FRANCE / GOLFE DE GASCOGNE / IMPACT DE LA POLLUTION / MACRO-DECHET / MANCHE / MER CELTIQUE / MER DU NORD / NAVIRE DE PECHE / OCEAN ATLANTIQUE / POLLUTION MARINE / POLLUTION PLASTIQUE / PRELEVEMENT / PROJET / QUANTIFICATION / ZONE COTIERE Nature du document : RAPPORT En ligne : [...] Permalink : CURD A., DROUAL G., LE MOIGNE M. CleanAtlantic. WP 5. WP 5.5: Evaluation of marine litter as transport facilitator. Investigation of seafloor litter for the presence of non-indigenous species during french annual fisheries surveys in the North Sea, English Channel, Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay 2021-2022. Version 1. Porto : Interreg Atlantic Area Programme, 2023. 20 p.
CleanAtlantic. WP 6. Estimación de la localización de hotspots de basuras marinas en las demarcaciones atlánticas españolas mediante el uso de un modelo hidrodinámico lagrangiano / S. CLOUX GONZALES (2022)
CLOUX GONZALES S., DE PABLO H., PEREZ P. CleanAtlantic. WP 6. Estimación de la localización de hotspots de basuras marinas en las demarcaciones atlánticas españolas mediante el uso de un modelo hidrodinámico lagrangiano. Porto : Interreg Atlantic Area Programme, 2022. 76 p.
CleanAtlantic. WP 6: Mapping and modelling of marine litter. Final report. Version 1 / INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TECNICO (IST) (2023)
INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TECNICO (IST) , Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) , INTECMAR , et al. CleanAtlantic. WP 6: Mapping and modelling of marine litter. Final report. Version 1. Porto : Interreg Atlantic Area Programme, 2023. 18 p.
CleanAtlantic. WP 6: On the distribution of marine litter along the Ría de Arousa coastline using modelling and mapping. Deliverable 6.3. Version 1.0 / INTECMAR (2021)
INTECMAR. CleanAtlantic. WP 6: On the distribution of marine litter along the Ría de Arousa coastline using modelling and mapping. Deliverable 6.3. Version 1.0. Porto : Interreg Atlantic Area Programme, 2021. 29 p.
CleanAtlantic. WP 6. WP 6.3: Guide for shoreline segmentation in buffers using QGIS. Version 1.0 / INTECMAR (2020)
PermalinkCleanAtlantic. WP 7: Monitoring and data management. WP 7.3: Reducing abandoned lost and otherwise discarded fishing gears (ALDFG). Characterisation of the fishing gear materials flows in the Autonomous Region of Madeira. Version 1 / DIRECAO REGIONAL DO AMBIENTE E ALTERACOES CLIMATICAS (DRAAC) (2023)
PermalinkCleanAtlantic. WP 7: Monitoring and data management. WP 7.3: Reducing abandoned lost and otherwise discarded fishing gears (ALDFG). Material flows of recreational coastal fishing equipment in the Autonomous Region of Madeira. Version 1 / DIRECAO REGIONAL DO AMBIENTE E ALTERACOES CLIMATICAS (DRAAC) (2023)
PermalinkCleanAtlantic. WP 7: Tackling marine litter. Action 2: Fishing for Litter. Deliverable 7.2: Fishing for Litter. Applicability of a modular basic ROV to detect marine litter in Galician shores: constraints and improvements / CENTRO TECHNOLOGICO DEL MAR (CETMAR) (2021)
PermalinkCleanAtlantic. WP 7: Tackling marine litter. Action 2: Fishing for Litter in the Atlantic Area. Deliverable 7.2: Pilot action to investigate the presence of seafloor litter in the Ria of Vigo by using a modified trawling fishing gear coupled with a video recording system / CENTRO TECHNOLOGICO DEL MAR (CETMAR) (2021)
PermalinkCleanAtlantic. WP 7: Tackling marine litter. Deliverable 7.1: Booklet on Waste prevention and management from fishing, aquaculture and ports: a selection of resources based on the CleanAtlantic knowledge tool. Version 2 / CENTRO TECHNOLOGICO DEL MAR (CETMAR) (2021)
PermalinkCleanAtlantic. WP 7: Tackling marine litter. Deliverable 7.2: Fishing for Litter / CENTRO TECHNOLOGICO DEL MAR (CETMAR) (2021)
PermalinkCleanAtlantic. WP 7: Tackling marine litter. Deliverable 7.3: Reducing abandoned lost and otherwise discarded fishing gear. Version 5 / CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENT FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE SCIENCE (CEFAS) (2020)
PermalinkCleanAtlantic. WP 7: Tackling marine litter. Deliverable action 7.1: Booklet on Fishing for litter: a selection of resources based on the CleanAtlantic knowledge tool. Version 2 / CENTRO TECHNOLOGICO DEL MAR (CETMAR) (2021)
PermalinkCleanAtlantic. WP 7: Tackling marine litter. Deliverable action 7.3: Report on pilot action for abandoned lost and otherwise discarded fishing gears (ALDFG) mapping and retrieval. Version 1 / CENTRO TECHNOLOGICO DEL MAR (CETMAR) (2023)