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International cooperation and the current set-up by the oil industry / Oil Spill Symposium '95. March 23 & 24, 1995 / Petroleum Association of Japan (1995)
Titre : International cooperation and the current set-up by the oil industry / Oil Spill Symposium '95. March 23 & 24, 1995 Type de document : Ouvrage Auteurs : Petroleum Association of Japan, Auteur Editeur : Tokyo : Petroleum Association of Japan (PAJ) Année de publication : 1995 Importance : 353 p Langues : Anglais (eng) Japonais (jpn) Catégories : ARABIE SAOUDITE / AUSTRALIE / BRULAGE / CAS CONCRET / COOPERATION / COOPERATION INTERNATIONALE / ETAT / GUERRE DU GOLFE / IN-SITU / INDONESIE / INDUSTRIE / MALAISIE / NEBA / PLAN D'INTERVENTION / PLAN DE LUTTE ANTIPOLLUTION / POLLUTION PETROLIERE Nature du document : ACTES DE COLLOQUE Permalink : Petroleum Association of Japan. International cooperation and the current set-up by the oil industry / Oil Spill Symposium '95. March 23 & 24, 1995. Tokyo : Petroleum Association of Japan (PAJ), 1995. 353 p
NP 44. Admiralty sailing directions : Malacca strait and West Coast of Sumatera pilot. Malacca strait and its northern approaches, Singapore strait and its approaches, the west coast of Sumatera and Cocos Islands / United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (2003)
Titre : Admiralty sailing directions : Malacca strait and West Coast of Sumatera pilot. Malacca strait and its northern approaches, Singapore strait and its approaches, the west coast of Sumatera and Cocos Islands : Seventh edition Type de document : Ouvrage Auteurs : United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, Auteur Editeur : Somerset : Admiralty charts and publications Année de publication : 2003 Importance : 442 p Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : DETROIT DE MALACCA / ILES COCOS / INDONESIE / INSTRUCTION NAUTIQUE / MALAISIE / OCEAN INDIEN / SINGAPOUR / SUMATRA / THAILANDE Nature du document : INSTRUCTIONS NAUTIQUES Permalink : United Kingdom Hydrographic Office. NP 44. Admiralty sailing directions : Malacca strait and West Coast of Sumatera pilot. Malacca strait and its northern approaches, Singapore strait and its approaches, the west coast of Sumatera and Cocos Islands : Seventh edition. Somerset : Admiralty charts and publications, 2003. 442 p
Oil pollution and its control in the east asian seas region (1988)
Titre : Oil pollution and its control in the east asian seas region Type de document : Ouvrage Editeur : Nairobi [Kenya] : Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement (PNUE) (United Nations Environment Programme) (UNEP) Année de publication : 1988 Collection : Regional Seas Reports and Studies num. 96 Importance : 272 p Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : ASIE / EST / INDONESIE / LITTORAL / MALAISIE / MER / PHILIPPINES / POLLUTION MARINE / POLLUTION PETROLIERE / SINGAPOUR / THAILANDE Nature du document : RAPPORT Permalink : Oil pollution and its control in the east asian seas region. Nairobi (Kenya) : Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement (PNUE) (United Nations Environment Programme) (UNEP), 1988. 272 p (Regional Seas Reports and Studies ; 96)
Oil spill modelling in the east asian region with special reference to the Malacca straits / Regional Workshop on oil spill modelling. Pusan (REPUBLIC OF KOREA): 31 May to 3 June 1996 (1997)
Titre : Oil spill modelling in the east asian region with special reference to the Malacca straits / Regional Workshop on oil spill modelling. Pusan (REPUBLIC OF KOREA): 31 May to 3 June 1996 Type de document : Ouvrage Editeur : Quezon City : Organisation Maritime Internationale (IMO) (International Maritime Organization) (OMI) Année de publication : 1997 Importance : 304 p Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : ASIE / DETROIT DE MALACCA / DEVERSEMENT / DYNAMIQUE DE L'EAU / EST / HYDROCARBURE / INDONESIE / LITTORAL / MALAISIE / MODELISATION / OCEAN / PLAN D'URGENCE / SURVEILLANCE Nature du document : ACTES DE COLLOQUE Permalink : Oil spill modelling in the east asian region with special reference to the Malacca straits / Regional Workshop on oil spill modelling. Pusan (REPUBLIC OF KOREA): 31 May to 3 June 1996. Quezon City : Organisation Maritime Internationale (IMO) (International Maritime Organization) (OMI), 1997. 304 p