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10 years statewide summary oil and hazardous substance spill data (July 1, 1995 - June 30, 2005) / ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL (2007)
Titre : 10 years statewide summary oil and hazardous substance spill data (July 1, 1995 - June 30, 2005) Type de document : Ouvrage Auteurs : ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL, Auteur Editeur : Anchorage : Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Année de publication : 2007 Importance : non p. Présentation : Ill. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : ALASKA / BASE DE DONNEES / CAUSE / ETATS-UNIS / INDUSTRIE / NAVIRE / POLLUANT / POLLUTION CHIMIQUE / POLLUTION PETROLIERE / PRODUIT DANGEREUX / PRODUIT TOXIQUE / SOURCE D'INFORMATION / SOURCE DE POLLUTION / STATISTIQUE Nature du document : RAPPORT En ligne : Permalink : ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL. 10 years statewide summary oil and hazardous substance spill data (July 1, 1995 - June 30, 2005). Anchorage : Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, 2007. non p.
1996 Global network directory (1996)
Titre : 1996 Global network directory Type de document : Ouvrage Editeur : Genève : Crawford & Company Année de publication : 1996 Importance : 180 p Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : DOMMAGE / ETATS-UNIS / INDEMNISATION / INTERNATIONAL / RESPONSABILITE Nature du document : ANNUAIRE Permalink : 1996 Global network directory. Genève : Crawford & Company, 1996. 180 p
2024 Guide des Mesures d'Urgence (GMU). Un guide destiné aux premiers intervenants sur les mesures d'urgence au cours de la phase initiale d'un incident de transport impliquant des marchandises dangereuses / TRANSPORTS CANADA (2024)
Titre : 2024 Guide des Mesures d'Urgence (GMU). Un guide destiné aux premiers intervenants sur les mesures d'urgence au cours de la phase initiale d'un incident de transport impliquant des marchandises dangereuses Type de document : Ouvrage Auteurs : TRANSPORTS CANADA, Auteur ; US DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, Auteur ; SECRETARIAT OF TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS, Auteur Editeur : Ottawa : Transports Canada Année de publication : 2024 Importance : 376 p. Présentation : Ill Note générale : Anciennement guide Canutec Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : CANADA / CLASSIFICATION / EQUIPEMENT DE PROTECTION INDIVIDUELLE / ETATS-UNIS / ETIQUETAGE / GAZ / GUIDE D'INTERVENTION / GUIDE OPERATIONNEL / IDENTIFICATION / INVENTAIRE / MARCHANDISE DANGEREUSE / MESURE D'INTERVENTION / POLLUTION ACCIDENTELLE / PRODUIT CHIMIQUE / PRODUIT DANGEREUX / RISQUE / SECURITE / SOIN MEDICAL D'URGENCE / SOURCE D'INFORMATION / TOXICITE / TRANSPORT / URGENCE Nature du document : GUIDE En ligne : [...] Permalink : TRANSPORTS CANADA , US DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. 2024 Guide des Mesures d'Urgence (GMU). Un guide destiné aux premiers intervenants sur les mesures d'urgence au cours de la phase initiale d'un incident de transport impliquant des marchandises dangereuses. Ottawa : Transports Canada, 2024. 376 p.
Accident Deepwater Horizon. Missions d'observation / G. LE LANN (2010)
Titre : Accident Deepwater Horizon. Missions d'observation : Mission GLL du 17 au 19 juillet 2010. Mission LK du 19 au 21 juillet 2010 Type de document : Rapport Cedre Auteurs : G. LE LANN, Cedre ; L. KERAMBRUN, Cedre ; MINISTERE DE L'ECOLOGIE, DE L'ENERGIE, DU DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ET DE LA MER (MEEDDM), Organisme contractant Editeur : Brest : Cedre (Centre de documentation de recherche et d'expérimentations sur les pollutions accidentelles des eaux) Année de publication : 2010 Importance : 36 p Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : CONSTATATION / DEEPWATER HORIZON / ETATS-UNIS / GOLFE DU MEXIQUE / LOUISIANE / LUTTE A TERRE / LUTTE ANTIPOLLUTION / LUTTE EN MER / MAREE NOIRE / NETTOYAGE DU LITTORAL / OBSERVATION AERIENNE / OBSERVATION DE LA POLLUTION / PLATE-FORME / POLLUTION ACCIDENTELLE / POLLUTION PETROLIERE / POSTE DE COMMANDEMENT / SCAT Nature du document : Compte ren Source : Convention MEEDDM/Cedre 2010-2012 n°7372, action de la programmation 2010 n°3100 intervention (assistance et conseils du PC) Permalink : LE LANN G. Accident Deepwater Horizon. Missions d'observation : Mission GLL du 17 au 19 juillet 2010. Mission LK du 19 au 21 juillet 2010. Brest : Cedre (Centre de documentation de recherche et d'expérimentations sur les pollutions accidentelles des eaux), 2010. 36 p
Accident Deepwater Horizon. Rencontre avec des universitaires / S. LE FLOCH (2011)
Titre : Accident Deepwater Horizon. Rencontre avec des universitaires Type de document : Rapport Cedre Auteurs : S. LE FLOCH, Cedre Editeur : Brest : Cedre (Centre de documentation de recherche et d'expérimentations sur les pollutions accidentelles des eaux) Année de publication : 2011 Importance : 16 p. + 17 p. d'annexes Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : APPEL D'OFFRE / DEEPWATER HORIZON / ETATS-UNIS / GOLFE DU MEXIQUE / LITTORAL / MAREE NOIRE / RECONNAISSANCE Source : Action de la programmation 2010 & 2011 (Valdeco-3049 et Seuils et qualité environnementale - 3240) Permalink : LE FLOCH S. Accident Deepwater Horizon. Rencontre avec des universitaires. Brest : Cedre (Centre de documentation de recherche et d'expérimentations sur les pollutions accidentelles des eaux), 2011. 16 p. + 17 p. d'annexes
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PermalinkAdvancing understanding of offshore oil and gas systemic risk in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico: current state and safety reforms since the Macondo well Deepwater Horizon blowout. Prepublication copy / NATIONAL ACADEMIES OF SCIENCES, ENGINEERING AND MEDECINE (NASEM) (2023)
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PermalinkAlaska oil spill bioremediation project. Science Advisory Board draft report. Sections 7 through 13 and appendices / P.H. PRITCHARD (1991)
PermalinkAllision of Hong Kong registered containership M/V Cosco Busan with the Delta Tower of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge / NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD (2009)
PermalinkL'alternative du diable / F. FORSYTH (1979)
PermalinkAmoco Cadiz : l'état français devant les juridictions américaines / Mission des études et consultations / SERVICE JURIDIQUE ET DE L'AGENCE JUDICIAIRE DU TRESOR (1978)
PermalinkAn analysis of historical opportunities for dispersant and in-situ burning use in the coastal waters of the United States, except Alaska / J. KUCKLICK (1995)
PermalinkAn evaluation of cleanup technologies potentially applicable to Exxon Valdez oil spill cleanup operations in 1990. Final report. 29 march 1990 / ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY, INC. (1990)
PermalinkAnalyse des protocoles de suivis de l'impact écologique d'une marée noire / I. CALVEZ (2004)
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PermalinkAnnual book of ASTM standards 2004. Section eleven Water and environmental technology. Volume 11.04 Environmental assessment ; hazardous substances and oil spill responses ; waste management / ASTM (2004)
PermalinkAnnual book of ASTM standards 2016. Section 11 Water and environmental technology. Volume 11.08 Pesticides, antimicrobials, and alternative control agents ; hazardous substances and oil spill response / ASTM (2016)
PermalinkApproche de la problématique de la gestion de la zone côtière / Outils méthodologiques et informatiques / Rapport de mission du 21 avril au 3 mai 1996 / Mission d'étude aux USA au bureau ORCA (NOAA) / J. DENIS (1996)
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkAssessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Tourism in the Gulf of Mexico Region / L NADEAU (2014)
PermalinkASTM standards on environmental sampling (1997)
PermalinkASTM standards on hazardous substances and oil spill response / ASTM (1994)
PermalinkPermalinkBefore and after an oil spill : the Arthur kill / J. BURGER (1994)
PermalinkBeyond Initial Response. Using the national incident management system's Incident Command System (ICS). Second edition / T. DEAL (2010)
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PermalinkCapabilities and uses of sensor-equipped ocean vehicles for subsea and surface detection and tracking of oil spills. OGP-IPIECA Oil Spill Response Joint Industry Project. Surveillance, modelling and visualization. Work Package 1: in water surveillance. November 2014 / BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE (2014)
PermalinkCellules d'expertises : mise en place d'un réseau. Rapport intermédiaire au 13 septembre 2004 / F. LARUELLE (2004)
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkCivil liability and financial security for offshore oil and gas activities. Final report / K. DE SMEDT (2013)
PermalinkLes collisions maritimes / Revue bibliographique d'études statistiques existantes / INSTITUT DE RECHERCHE DES TRANSPORTS
PermalinkComparing stakeholders' objectives for oil spill response: a Q study of four regions / S.P. TULER (2008)
PermalinkCompte rendu de mission aux Etats-Unis, participation au Symposium ASTM Oil Spill Dispersants : five years of research, West Palm Beach 12-14.10.82 / J.P. DESMARQUEST (1982)
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PermalinkCompte rendu de mission aux U.S.A. (Mars 1983) / J.P. DESMARQUEST (1983)
PermalinkCompte-rendu de mission / Workshop relatif au national preparedness for response exercise program (PREP)-OPA 90 / Washington 5-6 août 1993 / R. PELLEN (1993)
PermalinkCompte rendu de visite aux Etats-unis (San Francisco-Los Angeles) du 12 au 23 mars 1979 / P. BELLIER (1979)
PermalinkConférence maritime régionale de la deuxième région. Brest le 14 novembre 1989. La pollution de l'Exxon Valdez : forces et faiblesses de l'organisation de la lutte antipollution aux Etas-Unis ; la vision du Cedre quant aux enseignements à en tirer / M. MELGUEN (1989)
PermalinkCoopération Franco-Américaine, compte rendu de la réunion de préparation du 23 octobre 1980 / P. BELLIER (1980)
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PermalinkCoopération Franco-Américaine. Transbordements en mer d'hydrocarbures et de substances dangereuses / C. ROUSSEAU (1982)
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PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkDeepwater Horizon containment and response: harnessing capabilities and lessons learned / BRITISH PETROLEUM (2010)
PermalinkDeepwater Horizon Dispersant Use Meeting report. May 26-27, 2010. Report issued by : Coastal Response Research Center, University of New Hampshire, June 4, 2010. Revision 3 / UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE (2010)
PermalinkDeepwater Horizon response submerged and sunken oil symposium. This report summarizes the symposium "RDC Deepwater Horizon Response Submerged and sunken oil" held in Groton, on 9-10 november 2009) / M. FITZPATRICK (2011)
PermalinkDeepwater Horizon : retour d'expérience / I. CALVEZ (2011)
PermalinkDeepwater Horizon : retour d'expérience. Rapport final / I. CALVEZ (2012)
PermalinkPermalinkDemain, quels risques de pollution l'assureur pourra-t-il couvrir ? / Textes des conférences du Forum SCOR. Paris (FRANCE) : 6 octobre 1988 (1988)
PermalinkPermalinkDOE/TIC-11471. Combustion : an oil spill mitigation tool / Phase II : the burning of the M/T Burmah Agate (Ex-Danaland) / J.L. GOODIER (1981)
PermalinkDraft damage assessment and restoration plan and environmental assessment for the November 26, 2004 M/T Athos 1 oil spill on the Delaware River near Citgo refinery in Paulsboro, New Jersey / NOAA (2009)
PermalinkDraft damage assessment and restoration plan / environmental assessment for the july 25-26, 2010 Enbridge line 6B oil discharges near Marshall, MI / US FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (2015)
PermalinkLe drame du Grandcamp / J.Y. BROUARD (1999)
PermalinkEcological damage caused by oil spills: economic assessments and compensations / J. HAY (2006)
PermalinkEconomic assessment and compensation for marine oil releases second edition: good practice guidelines for incident management and emergency response personnel / IPIECA (2022)
PermalinkEffects of dispersants on oil-SPM aggregation and fate in US coastal waters. Revised july 17, 2008 / A. KHELIFA (2008)
PermalinkEffets environnementaux de la pollution de Deepwater Horizon. Rapport final provisoire / I. CALVEZ (2016)
PermalinkPermalinkEnbridge incorporated hazardous liquid pipeline rupture and release. Marshall, Michigan july 25, 2010 / NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD (2012)
PermalinkEtude sur l'évolution de la jurisprudence et des techniques d'évaluation concernant les dommages écologiques des pollutions marines accidentelles / Etat d'avancement des travaux à la date du 15 juillet 1994 / M. GIRIN (1994)
PermalinkEtude sur l'évolution de la jurisprudence et des techniques d'évaluation concernant les dommages écologiques des pollutions marines accidentelles / Rapport final / M. GIRIN (1994)
PermalinkEtude du système de gestion d'incidents américain / Morgane SEILER-JACQUES (2011)
PermalinkExxon Valdez oil spill state/federal natural resource damage assessment final report. Marine bird populations of Prince William Sound, Alaska, before and after the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Bird study number 2. Final Report. / S.P. KLOSIEWSKI (1994)
PermalinkFinal damage assessment and restoration plan / Environmental assessment for the July 25-26, 2010 Enbridge line 6B oil discharges near Marshall, MI / US FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (2015)
PermalinkFinal preassessment data report M/T Athos 1 oil spill, Delaware river / US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (2006)
PermalinkFinal restoration plan and environmental assessment for the May 14, 1996 Chevron pipeline oil spill into Waiau stream and Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii / PEARL HARBOR NATURAL RESOURCE TRUSTEES (1999)
PermalinkFinal restoration plan and environmental assessment. For the November 26, 2004, M/T Athos I oil spill on the Delaware river near the Citgo refinery in Paulsboro, New Jersey / NOAA (2009)
PermalinkFinancial costs of oil spills in the United States / D. SCHMIDT ETKIN (1998)
PermalinkForage des données et formalisation des connaissances sur un accident : le cas Deepwater Horizon / T. EUDE (2019)
PermalinkFormulaire / PONT-A-MOUSSON (1989)
PermalinkG3. Instructions nautiques / Etats-Unis (côte est) (+ fascicule n°7 de corrections 1994) / SHOM (1979)
PermalinkA guidance manual for selection and use of sorbents for liquid hazardous substance releases / R.W. MELVOLD (1987)
PermalinkGuidance on risk analysis and safety implications of a large Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) spill over water / M. HIGHTOWER (2004)
PermalinkHandbook of federal systems for marine pollution data and information / OCEAN POLLUTION DATA AND INFORMATION NETWORK (1988)
PermalinkHandbook of NOAA systems and services for marine and great lakes pollution data and information / OCEAN POLLUTION DATA AND INFORMATION NETWORK (1992)
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PermalinkImmediate response action status report. Barge B120 spill, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts RTN 4-17786 / GEOINSIGHT (2006)
PermalinkIn-situ burn investigation : exercice #1 Galveston, Texas. Final report , june 2000 / T. CAMLIN (2000)
PermalinkIncident specific preparedness review (ISPR) M/V Cosco Busan oil spill in San Francisco Bay. Part II and final report : 7 may 2008 / INCIDENT SPECIFIC PREPAREDNESS REVIEW (2008)
PermalinkL'indemnisation des collectivités publiques après une pollution marine. Rapport de master II professionnel Droit des activités transnationales, spécialité Droit de la mer, année universitaire 2008-2009 à Lille 2 / D. NUNEZ (2009)
PermalinkL'industrie de l'eau dans le monde / D. DROUET (1987)
PermalinkInternational oil pollution R&D abstract database. Preliminary issue printed for distribution at the international oil spill R&D forum / INTERAGENCY COORDINATING COMMITTEE ON OIL POLLUTION RESEARCH (1992)
PermalinkInventory of non-federally funded marine pollution research, development and monitoring activities / NATIONAL MARINE POLLUTION PROGRAM OFFICE (1985)
PermalinkInventory of non-federally funded marine pollution research, development and monitoring activities / NATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA CENTER (1984)
PermalinkInvestigation into the explosion and sinking of the chemical tanker Bow Mariner in the Atlantic ocean on february 28, 2004 with loss of life and pollution / US COAST GUARD (2005)
PermalinkLiterature review of chemical oil spill dispersants and herders in fresh and brackish waters / SL ROSS ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LTD (2010)
PermalinkLloyd's shipping index : green tanker guide / LLOYD'S (1993)
PermalinkPermalinkMarine casualty report. Tankship Puerto Rican O. N. 535000, explosion and fire in the pacific ocean, on 31 october 1984 with loss of life / US COAST GUARD (1985)
PermalinkMarine debris monitoring and assessment: recommendations for monitoring debris trends in the marine environment / S. LIPPIAT (2013)
PermalinkMid-scale test tank research on using oil herding surfactants to thicken oil slicks in broken ice. Final report / I. BUIST (2007)
PermalinkMission aux Etats-Unis / C. AUGER (1983)
PermalinkMissions d'observation de la pollution entraînée par l'éruption du puits IXTOC I sur les côtes du Texas (USA) du 4 au 11 septembre 1979 / R. PASQUET (1979)
PermalinkMissions d'observation de la pollution entraînée par l'éruption du puits IXTOC I sur les côtes du Texas (USA) du 4 au 11 septembre 1979 / R. PASQUET (1979)
PermalinkMonitoring of recovery of marshes impacted by the Chalk Point oil spill / J. MICHEL (2008)
PermalinkNational Marine Debris Monitoring Program: Final Program report, Data Analysis and Summary / S. SHEAVLY (2007)
PermalinkNational oil and hazardous substances pollution contingency plan
PermalinkNational preparedness for response exercice program (prep) guidelines (1994)
PermalinkNon-mechanical response gap estimate for two operating areas in Prince William Sound. / NUKA RESEARCH AND PLANNING GROUP (2008)
PermalinkNP 69A. Admiralty sailing directions : East coasts of Central America and Gulf of Mexico pilot. Western Carribean Sea and Gulf of Mexico from Punta Tirbi to Cape Sable including Yucatan Channel / UNITED KINGDOM HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE (2003)
PermalinkNP 8 + NP 8s. Pacific coasts of Central America and United States pilot. Pacific coasts of Panama (west of Punta Mariato), Costa Rica including Isla del Coco, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico and United States of America, off-lying islands between latitudes 4°N and 48°25'N + supplement n°2 amended to 3rd January 2002 / HYDROGRAPHER OF THE NAVY (1995)
PermalinkObjectives and performance metrics in oil spill response: the Bouchard-120 and Chalk Point spill responses / S. TULER (2006)
PermalinkOffshore situation room: enhnacing resilience to offshore oil disasters in the Gulf of Mexico:Proceedings of a workshop / NATIONAL ACADEMIES OF SCIENCES, ENGINEERING AND MEDECINE (NASEM) (2021)
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkOil and hazardous materials spill reports, May 2001. Spills from October 1rst, 1998 to September 30th, 1999 / NOAA (2001)
PermalinkOil budget calculator Deepwater Horizon. Technical documentation. A report to the national incident command / B. LEHR (2010)
PermalinkOil in the environment : legacies and lessons of the Exxon Valdez oil spill / J.A. WIENS (2013)
PermalinkOil pollution act of 1990
PermalinkOil spill contingency planning : national status / A report tothe President / S.K. SKINNER (1990)
PermalinkOil spill effects literature study of spills of 500-20000 barrels of crude oil, condensate or diesel / J. MICHEL (2021)
PermalinkOil spill prevention and response in the U.S. Artic ocean: unexaminated risks, unacceptable consequences. November 2010 / NUKA RESEARCH AND PLANNING GROUP (2010)
PermalinkOil spill response vessel capabilities in the state of Washington: use of commercial fishing and other vessels to augment oil spill response capabilities / P.S. SMITH (2005)
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkOil spills in U.S. coastal waters: background, governance, and issues for congress. April 30, 2010 / J RAMSEUR (2010)
PermalinkOil spills in U.S. coastal waters: background, governance, and issues for congress. Updated february 5, 2008 / J RAMSEUR (2008)
PermalinkPermalinkOn scene coordinator report Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Submitted to the national response team. September 2011 / US COAST GUARD (2011)
PermalinkA once and future gulf of Mexico ecosystem. Restoration recommendations of an expert working group / C.H. PETERSON (2011)
PermalinkL'organisation de la lutte contre les pollutions accidentelles aux Etats-Unis / C. ROUSSEAU (1985)
PermalinkPermitting the use of oil spill simulants: identifying options and building consensus. Final report. April 30, 2015 (2015)
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PermalinkPhytoremediation for oil spill cleanup and habitat restoration in Louisiana coastal marshes : effects of marsh plant species and fertilizer / Q. LIN (1997)
PermalinkPlan d'urgence bilatéral Canada - Etats Unis en cas de pollution dans la zone frontalière intérieure / ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA (2009)
PermalinkLes plans d'intervention à bord des navires aux Etats-Unis / Patrick BARNOLA (1993)
PermalinkPolluting incidents in and around U.S. waters / Calendar year 1978 and 1979 / W.E. CALDWELL (1980)
PermalinkPolluting incidents in and around U.S. waters / Calendar year 1980 and 1981 / W.E. CALDWELL (1982)
PermalinkPolluting incidents in and around U.S. waters / Calendar year 1981 and 1982 / US COAST GUARD (1983)
PermalinkPolluting incidents in and around U.S. waters / Calendar year 1983 and 1984 / US COAST GUARD (1987)
PermalinkPolluting incidents in and around U.S. waters. A spill/release compendium: 1969-2011 / US COAST GUARD (2012)
PermalinkPollution de Prince William Sound (ALASKA) à la suite de l'échouement de l'Exxon Valdez le 24 Mars 1989 / G. PEIGNE (1989)
PermalinkPollution des sols par les hydrocarbures : caractérisation de la pollution et détermination des objectifs de décontamination - méthodes utilisées dans différents pays / Nolwenn LEMASSON (1996)
PermalinkPotentially polluting shipwrecks. Spatial tools and analysis of WWII shipwrecks / M.J. BARRETT (2011)
PermalinkPotentially polluting shipwrecks workshop. Southampton (Angleterre) : June 7th-8th, 2005 / EUROPEAN COMMISSION (2005)
PermalinkPreparedness through lens of marine environmental response : preparing for the unexpected testing the plans improving preparedness / US COAST GUARD (2009)
PermalinkPrevention and compensation of marine pollution damage. Recent developments in Europe, China and the US / M.G. FAURE (2006)
PermalinkPrimary restoration : guidance document for natural resource damage assessment under the oil pollution act of 1990 / EG&G (1996)
PermalinkRapport de mission aux U.S.A. / J. DENIS (1983)
PermalinkRapport de mission U.S.A., 24-31.03.86 / J. CROQUETTE (1986)
PermalinkRapport de stage aux Etats-Unis. 1 Février - 18 Octobre 79 / G. BODENNEC (1980)
PermalinkRapport sur les déversements dans le bassin des Grands Lacs et particulièrement dans le couloir fluvial Sainte-Clair-Détroit / COMMISSION MIXTE INTERNATIONALE CANADA ET ETATS UNIS (2006)
PermalinkRapport USA (version anglaise) / J. CROQUETTE (1986)
PermalinkReforming the Coast guard's certificate of compliance program for liquefied gas carriers. Promoting efficient implementation and safety effectiveness. Consensus study report. Prepublication copy - Uncorrected proofs / NATIONAL ACADEMIES OF SCIENCES, ENGINEERING AND MEDECINE (NASEM) (2024)
PermalinkReport on investigation into the circumstances surrounding the multiple related marine casualties and grounding of the Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU) KULLUK on december 31.2012 / US COAST GUARD (2014)
PermalinkReport regarding the causes of the april 20, 2010 Macondo well blowout. September 14, 2011 / BOEMRE (2011)
PermalinkReport to congress. Sources and impacts of derelict fishing gear. Developed pursant to section 135 of the save our seas 2.0 act, 2020 (public law 116-224) / J. DRINKWIN (2024)
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PermalinkResources and UnderSea Threats (RUST) Database. An assessment tool for identifying and evaluating submerged hazards within the National Marine Sanctuaries / M. OVERFIELD (2005)
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkRestoration plan for the New Carissa oil spill : a summary / BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, AND FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (2005)
PermalinkRéunion ITAC 2023. Industry Technical Advisory Committee: Bridging Research to Response. Annual forum. 24-26 octobre 2023, Southampton (Royaume-Uni). Compte rendu de mission / I. CALVEZ (2023)
PermalinkRéunion ITAC. Industry Technical Advisory Committee: Bridging Research to Response - Annual forum. 02-04 Octobre 2019, Southampton (Royaume-Uni). Compte rendu de mission / I. CALVEZ (2020)
PermalinkRéunion ITAC. Industry Technical Advisory Committee : Bridging Science and Technology in oil spill preparedness and response - Annual forum. 26-27 septembre 2017, Plymouth (Royaume-Uni). Compte rendu de mission / I. CALVEZ (2018)
PermalinkRéunion ITAC. Industry Technical Advisory Committee : Knowledge sharing & communication seminar. 23-24 septembre 2014, Nouvelle-Orléans (US-LA). Compte rendu de mission / I. CALVEZ (2015)
PermalinkRéunion ITAC. Industry Technical Advisory Committee : Knowledge sharing & communication seminar. 24-26 octobre 2016, Woods Hole (US-MA). Compte rendu de mission / I. CALVEZ (2016)
PermalinkRéunion ITAC. Londres, Wellcome collection conference centre, 14 juin 2010 / G. LE LANN (2010)
PermalinkReview of preliminary data to examine oxygen levels in the vicinity of MC252#1. May 8 to August 9, 2010 / JOINT ANALYSIS GROUP (2010)
PermalinkRevisions needed to national contingency plan based on Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Report No. 11-P-0534. August 25,2011 / P. GILBRIDE (2011)
PermalinkRevue des connaissances et technologies utilisées pour restaurer et créer des habitats côtiers / W.E. WESTERMEYER (2000)
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkRisk of vessel accidents and spills in the Aleutian Islands designing a comprehensive risk assessment. Special report 293 (2008)
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PermalinkSeminaire IOSC 2011, réunion Ipieca OSWG. Compte rendu de missions à Portland (Oregon, USA) du 23 au 27 mai 2011 / G. PEIGNE (2011)
PermalinkSpecialized data catalog : Chesapeake bay and adjacent wetlands / NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA REFERRAL SERVICE (1985)
PermalinkSpills of diluted bitumen from pipelines: a comparative study of environmental fate, effects, and response / COMMITTEE ON THE EFFECTS OF DILUTED BITUMEN ON THE ENVIRONMENT (2016)
PermalinkSummary of Oil and Hazardous Substance Spills by Subarea (July 1, 1995 - June 30, 2005) / PREVENTION AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROGRAM (2007)
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